Saturday, June 15, 2013

Water Ch. 117 - Born To Be My Babies

Dozing off in the chair with the newspaper on his lap, Jon is feeling the effects of the emotional day they just had. He startles himself awake, by rustling the paper.  He sees that there is about 4 more hours of the 5.5 hour flight and decides he's going to lay down with Beth.

Putting the paper on the table, he kicks off his shoes and goes back where his baby was. Gently he pulls the covers down and kicks off his jeans and takes off his shirt. If he's going to nap 30,000 feet in the air, he's going to do it comfortably.

He slithers into bed with her and just puts his arm over her. He doesn't want to wake her. Laying there he hears, "Come closer, I'm scared."  He pops up on an elbow in a mild panic and asks, "Scared??" Why are you scared?"

"My spotting is getting worse, and my cramps are intermittent. I don't think it's normal." She rolls over and hugs him. She needs to feel the comfort of his loving arms right now, more than she did when she had the brain bleed.

"I'm going to talk to the pilot. We're making a medical emergency landing."  He gets up to go talk to the pilot and she grabs him.

"No babe, we can wait until we land in New York. Don't leave me." She begs him to stay.

"We are landing and you're going to the nearest hospital." He gets up and instructs the pilot to land at the closest airport and to have EMS waiting on the tarmac.  The pilot and the co-pilot seemed a little shocked and totally unprepared for an unplanned landing.  But they agree to what their boss had just instructed them.

Jon goes back and sits by Beth, holding her hand and freaking out.  "How bad are you hurting?"

"That's just it, Jon, they really don't hurt.  I think I'm having too many.  And the spotting is heavier than any spotting I have ever had.  This could be normal after a procedure like the one I had."

"We'll be on the ground soon at we'll get you to a hospital.  Just relax, okay."  talking faster than normal, Jon is now scared.  He tries to comfort her, but she can feel his tension and his fear.  He holds her hand and assures her, "Everything will be okay."

She sits up on the bed and puts her arms around his neck.  She can see he needs comforting of his own.  "We can wait till we get to New York, it's not getting any worse.  Tell the pilots to stay on course please.  I want to go to a NY hospital, not one that we're above that may not be equipped.  Please tell them Jon." 

Looking at her, he asks, "Are you sure?  We're about 4 hours from landing."

"I'm sure, Jon.  Go tell them before they change flight plans."  and she pushes him off the bed.  Jon tells the captain to stay on the original course and apologizes for panicking them.  He then returns to Beth with a bottle of water.  Handing her the water, he asked if there was anything he could do for her,she shook her head no and asked, "Will you sit with me?"

Climbing back into bed with her, he said, "Do you really have to ask?"  He positions himself so that she is able to lay her head on his chest, and she does.  "Are you comfortable?"

"Mmmhhhm." and she rubs starts to rub his belly.  "I want to just get home and start our life together, am I asking for too much?"

"That's what I want too, babe.  We'll be home before you know it."  They lay there and just talk, about everything except what's bothering both of them. 

"When do we leave for Europe?  On Sunday?" she asks, trying to find an easier subject to talk about.

Jon squeezes her and says, "We are scheduled to leave on Sunday, but the first show isn't until Tuesday.  Why?"

"I want to do some shopping before we leave.  Pick up a few things for us.  I figure it will be cheaper here in the states. When I shop in Europe, I tend to come home with an additional suitcase or two." she confesses and he's a little shocked by that.  He thought that she was a tight wad with her money, but he can see her going a little overboard. 

Stretching, he tells her, "We can go shopping, once we get the okay that you're okay.  You may have to stay home while I go to Europe, babe."  She pokes her fingernails into his side, he wasn't getting away with that comment.

"Ha ha, you're so funny.  Do you really think you're going to Europe with out me?"

"If we don't get you cleared to go, you're not going.  And that isn't even open for discussion Beth."  There it was again, he called her Beth, that tells her that he means business.  "I would never forgive myself if I let you fly over and something happened to you or the baby.  If the doctor says stay put, you stay put."

"Jon, this is probably normal for having a vaginal ultrasound, I'm probably making it much more in my head than what it is. We can have the Europe argument after we see the doctor."  and she hopes the conversation ends at that.

He knows that he's about to piss her off, but he has to say what he has to say, "Maybe you should just stay home, either way?  Maybe you need some down time, we have been go go go.  We are always doing something, flying somewhere or dealing with someone else's bullshit.  Maybe you need a mini vacation?'

"Yeah, in Europe with you."

"I'm being serious Beth, maybe you are over doing it, since your accident - it's been non stop.  With Dot and the kids, you have been pretty stretched.  Stay home and rest.  Take care of you and Keegan." he winces, knowing that that is going to go over like a lead balloon. 

She feels herself getting irritated and she knows that they need to stop talking about it.  On one hand, she knows he's right - but she wants to go to Europe with Jon.  All she's been able to think about is being in Paris, with Jon.  One of the most romantic cities on the planet and she may have to miss out?  She is not happy with that thought, or the thought that he's right.  "We'll let the doctor decide, I guess."  She concedes defeat, kisses him on his lips and follows up with, "I need a nap." 

Jon kisses her back and tells her, "Sleep.  I'll wake you when we're going to land."

"What will you do?" she wonders.

He simply states, "I'll lay here and hold you."  Beth closes her eyes and slowly drifts off to sleep and Jon is right behind her. 

The two of them were sound asleep when they were alerted by the captain that they were preparing to land.  Jon nudged Beth and told her, "Hey babe, we're getting ready to land."  She opens her eyes and nods, acknowledging him and what he said.  He gets out of bed, pulls his jeans on and then his shirt.  Beth sits up and scoots to the edge of the bed, pulling her pants on.  When they're both dressed, they get in their seats and fasten their seat belts. 

The landing was uneventful and the car ride to the hospital was equally boring.  It's a big deal when you're Jon Bon Jovi and you walk into an emergency room.  People tend to stare and make the scene much worse than it is. 

Beth, feeling a little better having taken a nap, was mumbling to Jon "We don't need to do this.  I feel better."

"How's your spotting?"

"It's the same, but the tightness isn't as bad.  Let's just go home." 

Just then a nurse walks up to them, knowing who they were.  "Follow me please, I'll take you somewhere private."  Jon and Beth follow the nurse and she takes them back to  private room, where they are able to be alone and not stared at. 

"Thank you,"  Jon says to the nurse.

Beth follows with, "Yes, thank you."

The nurse smiles and asks, "What brings you in today?"  Having no idea who was having the problem.  Neither of them had visible injuries, so she was clueless, she had to ask.

"I had a vaginal ultrasound this morning and my spotting has been a little heavier that what I'd call spotting.  And earlier, I had some tightness, but not cramping.  And now he wants me to be seen."  Beth is watching for a facial clue, as to what the nurse was thinking.

"First pregnancy?" the nurse asks.

Beth nods and says, "Yes it is."

"When are you due?"

Jon answers, "April 29th." 

The nurse goes through the motions of the vital signs and all the questions.  She hands Beth a blanket and says, "Undress from the waist down, in case the doctor wants to exam you.  I don't think he will, but he's surprised me before.  He'll be in in just a few minutes." And she exits the room. 

Beth does as she was told and her boyfriend folded her pants and panties again, like he did earlier today.  She jumps up on the exam table and takes a seat.  Jon sits behind her and rubs her shoulders, much like he did earlier in the day.  They joked about deja vu.

The doctor comes in and listens to what Beth's symptoms are and what she had done.  After listening to her, he asked her to lie back - he wanted to listen for the babies heartbeat, just to be sure that the pregnancy is still viable - before he subjects her to an invasive procedure, like a pelvic exam. 

Beth lies back and he goop's her belly up and starts to listen for the heart beat.  Moving the wand around her abdomen like he did, told Beth that he's done it a million times. Quickly finding the heartbeat, the cocky doctor looks at Jon and says,  "I seen you in LA a while back, great show.  You and Richie were on fire.  Are you playing here soon?" 

"No, we're going to Europe for 2 weeks and the tour is over." Jon flatly tells the doctor. 

Still working the wand around Beth's abdomen, he looks at her and kind of laughs.  "They did a vaginal ultrasound on you today?"  The doc asks, with a hint of 'disgust' in his voice.

"Yes, they did. Why?" Jon questions, very matter of fact.  Jon's getting irritated, running his fingers through his hair. 

The doctor taking his wand, zeros in on one area and says, "Listen, here that?"  Jon and Beth listen, and they hear the baby's heart beat. 

"We hear it.  It sounds like it did earlier today." Jon says.  "The swoosh, swoosh?"

The doc nods and follows up with, "Now listen to this." and he moves the wand into another position.

Jon and Beth hear the sound, but it was a little bit slower than the first one.  Beth starts to get concerned, thinking that there was something wrong with the baby's heart.  "Doctor, is everything okay?" she asks.

"Well that depends, are you ready to have twins?" was all the doctor needed to say.  But he went on with, "Both heartbeats are strong and taking into the consideration the ultrasound you had today, I think you all will be just fine.  Take it easy for the rest of the day.  If your spotting hasn't stopped by the weekend, come back.  But I see no need to do a pelvic." He hands Beth a towel and puts the wand away.  "Congrats to the both of you.  Any questions?"

They are still stuck back at the word, twins.  Twins, two babies.  Two Bongiovi babies.  Jon thinks to ask, "Can she go to Europe?  We're scheduled to leave on Sunday."

"I see no reason for her not to, just refrain from sex for the next day or two and no heavy lifting, other than that - she's cleared for take off."  He shakes their hands and he leaves.  Beth just sits there and stares...................


1 comment:

  1. TWINS?! THEY ARE HAVING TWINS?OMG, two little Bongiovi's running around? Beth take Jon's advice and stay home and rest because you are going to need it.
    I still don't like the spotting but if the doctor says everything is okay then I have to take his word for it.
