Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Water Ch. 136 - Picture Your Hand In Mine

He cannot believe what he just heard.  His thoughts, as quick as they came, were how did she find out and why hasn't she asked me before now?  He lays back on his pillow, rubs the 'busted' off his face and says, "Her team of doctors think that it would be advantageous if I joined her in a few sessions.  I didn't tell you because I don't want to to worry about it.  I'm only trying to help."

"So you lie to me to help her? Do you really think that I would stop you from helping her? Really?" She sits up in bed and adds, "She needs to get better, she has kids that depend on her."

He slides to the edge of the bed and puts his feet over, slipping his feet into his slippers, getting up he asks, "Can I get you anything while I'm up? I gotta take a piss."
“Did you really think that I would get upset about you helping Dot?” she asks him as he walks by to the bathroom. 
Walking by, in the light of the television, Beth can see Jon in his boxers.  He says back to her as he passes, “I didn’t want to worry you I said, plus I don’t really think that it’s going to help.”  And he disappears into the bathroom. 
When he reappears, he’s met by Beth, in the doorway.  She doesn’t have the happiest of looks on her face, and she asks him, “Why did you keep it from me, really?  To me that’s the ultimate betrayal.  It makes me think that if you’ll hide that from me, what else will you or have you hidden?”  Her hands go on her hips.  Jon can tell she’s pissed and he’s shocked by that.  He hid it from her to avoid hurting her. 
“I’m sorry, I should have told you.  I should have told you the truth.”  He gently turns her around and coaxes her toward the bed, slapping her bare ass, “Get in bed.”
“Ya know Jon” as she putters back to bed, “I think I’m more pissed off that you lied to me. Telling me you were with Ken and you weren’t.  Are there other times that you have misled me to believe you were somewhere when you weren’t?” She wasn’t sure that she wanted to open that door, but it was a little too late.  She hated thinking that she couldn’t trust him, absolutely hated it.
“There are no other times and I have no secrets from you.  I swear.” Climbing back into his side of the bed, pulling the blankets just up enough to land just below his belly button.  Looking at him, laying there, it was hard for her to be upset with him, but she was.  Because he just lied again.
She sits on the edge of the bed, one knee bent and the other with her foot on the floor – she’s facing him.  “So, when are you going to tell me that Dot wants me to join a session or two?”  His hands go to his face, and he tries to rub out the frustration and the stress of the day, but he knows that she has every right to ask these questions, he’s just wondering who she talked to. 
“Ok, who have you been talking to?”
She lays down, with her face in his and says, “No one.”  Making her way back to her pillow, he flips blankets over her.  “I’ve talked to no one.”  And she was telling the truth.  She hadn’t talked to anyone. 
“Then how do you know that Dot wants you to sit in on a session?” he wonders, even more now than before.
She laughs and explains to him, “I had a voicemail from Dorothea.  I listened to it this morning when we left.”
“Why are you asking me about it now?  Why didn’t you just call me out, right then and there?”
“Well Jon, we were on our way to get the kids and I didn’t want there to be any tensions in the air when we got them.  It’s bad enough we had the spoon fiasco.”  With a sigh of relief that she was no longer holding that in, she can say with 100% confidence, “I have no secrets from you.  Can you say the same?"

He turns to look at her, and with a little bit of attitude, asks, "What are you fucking talking about? You have something you think I'm keeping from you.  What is it?"
Looking at him like he was the Antichrist, she snaps, "Dorothea and her head doctors think it would be advantageous for me to sit in on a session or two.  And she also said that you would never let me find that out. Why is that Jon?" Her sarcasm a little more defined than his. "Why would you not want to tell me that! Specially if it could help her.  She's the mother to your children.  And they need her!" Beth was pissed at this point, "And there isn't really a reason for you to keep that from me."
"Look Beth, I try very hard to protect you and I take that job seriously, I think you going in there would only put us into another trap, more of her games" he flat out tells her. And he stands behind what he says. "I've known her long enough to know what's going to come next.  She in the beginning stages of a game, and a game she's going to lose. Ya gotta trust me on this Beth."
"Jon, I would love to go see if I could help her. I can only imagine the pain she feels from all that's gone on. Wait until she finds out we're pregnant. How's that gonna go over?" Beth asks, already knowing the answer.  She knows that that will destroy Dorothea, because at this point in Dot's mind, that's the only thing she has over Beth.  She has Jon's kids, and Beth doesn't.

"Going to her will only fuel her fire and continue with her BS games.  She needs drama, and I don't want to be part of it, babe."
"Honey," turning back to look him in the eye, "I'm going to go in and see if I can help her. It's the least I can do since I'm the biggest reason that your marriage is over, according to her."
Accepting defeat, "Okay, you can go and see her, but ONLY when you're off of bed rest.  I would never forgive myself if I let you go, and something happens"
"Jon, what is it with this let shit? You are  not my boss and cant tell me what to so,  please stop saying that." Beth isn't his charge and he can't tell her what to do.
"Okay, can we just cuddle and fall asleep in each others arms? Please. That's all I want to do right now!"


  1. Jon got off way to easy Beth needs to ream him a new one an Jon is getting a bit big for his britches here

  2. Beth needs to listen to Jon when it comes to Dorothea after all he has known her for a long time.
    Beth needs to concentrate on getting better and keeping her butt in bed like the doctor told her to do.
    In my opinion Beth is being stubborn.

  3. I gotta say I don't like her in this chapter. she complained before about Dot keeping them from getting married & all the drama she was causing with she & Jon's relationship. now she wants to help her? gimme a break! does she not realize he is trying to protect her from his ex & whatever damage she may do to that relationship? she needs to think about getting herself into a routine lifestyle in her new home & helping the kids make the adjustment after their mother tried to kill herself, & oh yeah take care of her own children that are yet to be born!
