Monday, July 15, 2013

Water Ch. 138 - something for the pain

"Come in, I'm Dr. Fuller.  Please have a seat. Can I get you anything?"  Beth declines and says thank you.  Even though her mouth was dry from her nerves.  She's not sure what to expect from this meeting, but she knows she's going to get her ass chewed when she got home.  She didn't wait for the bed rest order to be lifted, she had an overwhelming feeling to see Dorothea, to help her on her road to recovery.
"Thank you for coming in.  It will mean alot to Dorothea, and if it goes as planned - she will be one step closer from getting out of her and using the tools we have taught her to deal with all that's going on.  When Dorothea comes in, she may seem like she mad or upset, but she's really not.  Are you ready for her to come in?"
"Yes, I am doctor - but I have some ground rules.  If she comes at me, I'm out of her and if she starts spewing venom I am out of here.  I'm here for her and not for me.  If this will help her, I will do what ever I can, but I won't take any form of abuse from her."  Beth situates herself in her chair as the doctor goes to get Dorothea."Hi Beth.  How are you?"
Beth wasn't sure what to do?  Stand up and give her a hug, shake her hand or do nothing?  It felt right to o nothing.  So she waited for Dot to take a seat.
"You look well, Dot.  How are you feeling?"
With a half smile, Dot tells Beth "I'm doing good considering, I haven't seen my kids in weeks.  They won't talk to me on the phone and they wont even send me letters or cards."
"Dot, the kids have been with Jon's mom.  We were in a car accident and they have been there while we recuperate.  They should be home today.  Jon went to get them before I left.  But they are doing good, really good."
Dorothea looks truly concerned for Jon, "Is Jon okay?  What happened??"
"We were T-boned a few days ago.  The Denali is totaled.  Jon is fine, just fine.  I'll tell him you asked."  Beth forces a fake smile.
The doctor interrupts and begins with, "Beth, Dorothea has requested that you come in and meet because she feels like you are the single cause for her divorce.  She has some questions for you and it's my hope that you answer her honestly, even if you think it will hurt her.  Can you do that?"
Beth agress and reiterates with the doctor, "I am not her to be belittled or disrespected, if her questions can follow those guidelines, let's get started."
The doctor looks to Dorothea to see if she's ready and she nods her head yes.  The doctor nods in response, letting Dorothea that it's okay to proceed.
Dorothea takes a deep breath and flat out asks her, "How can you be with a married man?  You knew he was married, but went ahead with it anyway.  Why?  How?"
Clearing her throat, to give her a few seconds to clean up her response Beth begins to tell Dorothea, "When I met Jon, I was told that he had filed for divorce.  So, I am with a man that's going through a divorce.  That told me that his marriage was over."
"You knew he had kids, didn't that bother you?"
"Bother me that he was a dad?  No.  That he had kids with you? No.  Dot, I am not a homewrecker and I made sure that he was being truthful with me.  Finding out that he had children made him even more attractive and real.  Until that point, he was Jon Bon Jovi."  Beth makes sure that Dot knows that, it's important to Beth that she understands that Jon is a package, that she accepts.  "The kids love me and respect me.  You raised great kids, they are wonderful."
"They are my kids."
"They are yours and they are Jons.  I am not the cause of your breakup."  She's now firming her tone so that Dot knows she's serious and that she means what she is saying.  "And they miss you."  Beth adds.
"Did he really buy you a vineyaard?" Dot questions Beth.
With a look of  'you really are crazy' Beth says, "No, the vineyard is Jons.  Who told you he bought it for me?"  Beth is puzzled now.
Dot feeling like she had been lied to says, "Beth, my attorney's found teh vineyard and it's in your name.  So, did Jon buy you a vineyard in California?"
"Dorothea, I know nothing of my name being on it.  When we were there, he never said a word.  What does this matter anyway?" 
"I want you to be honest and catching you in a lie, well, that further proves that you are the reason for my marriage breaking up."
Rearranging herself in her chair, Beth replies to Dot's bullshit.  "Dorothea, I think that Jon walking in on you and whoever that was; gardner, pool boy, groundskeeper - that ruined your marriage.  NOT ME!"  Beth gets s little louder.
So, Dot asks her the hardest question that she had for her, "Will you please back off so that I can try to put my family back together?"
Beth is so blown away by what she just heard, she really didn't know what to say.  So she thought a minute and answered her the best way that she could, "Jon doesn't want to be married to you any longer Dorothea.  We are going to be together, so if you have issues with it, you need to start dealing with it.  The kids are okay with you guys not being together any more.  I'm sorry, I know that's pretty harsh, but I told you I would be honest."
"Why isn't he here?"
"I thought this was about you needing to talk to me."  Beth looks at the doctor, "Was Jon supposed to come?"
"No, she needs to deal with Jon with a one on one." Dr. Fuller explains to Beth.
Dorothea jumps in and looks Beth dead in the eye, "Are you pregnant?"
"Dorothea, that isn't really any of your business, but since you asked - Yes, were are pregnant, with twins.  How did you find out?"
There's a knock on the door.  Dr. Fuller gets up to answer it.  Surprised by who he seen on the other side of the door, just made this session a little more interesting.


  1. Jon is going to be so pissed when he finds out where Beth is. Now who is on the other side of the door?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
