Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Water Ch. 190 -There's A Different Kind of Meaning To Living On A Prayer

She can't move, she can't think - she can't believe what she just heard.  "What did you say?" she asks, her voice cracks and the lump in her throat gets worse with each second that passes.
"What went on with you and Richie?"
"What did you say about the twins?" she's shaking her head, still not sure what he said.
"I asked you if the twins were mine.  From what I learned today, they could have been Richie's?" and he clears his desk with one swoop of his arm.  "What what the hell went on between you and Richie?"
Beth, startled by his burst of anger, asks, "What are you talking about Jon?  Nothing went on between me and Richie."
Jon starts to pace the office, aggitated and feeling like Beth and Richie made a fool of him.  "Apparently you and he got close when you were in LA and I was back here.  How could you?"
She stands up and walks to him, reaching for his hand, he pushes her away.  She starts to get a little worried, she's never seen him this pissed and she can't believe that this is happening.  "Jon, nothing happened between Richie and me other than what I told you.  He kissed me, that's it."
"What went on when you were out there alone, Beth?  How many times did you see Richie?"
"When was I out there alone, Jon?  Where are you getting this information, what the hell is going on?"  She turns to pace herself, stopping at the photograph of her and Jon on the yacht.  The yacht they were on when she had the blood clot. 
He looks at her, "You were out here alone after you were released from the hospital.  Remember that?"
"Jon, I remember you being with me when I was released.  We had breakfast on my patio, what are you being told?"
"I'm being told that you were fucking Richie when I had to come back here.  I'm being told that the twins could have possibly been Richie's!" he screams at her, as loud as he can.
"Are you fucking kidding me?  WHO is telling you this?  Jon, I have never cheated on you and I never would - and you think I did with Richie?"  she's pissed now, and even more insulted.  How could Jon think that she would do that with Richie?  After all that they have been through, he gets emotional and heated over second hand information?  "Who is telling you this?  Rick?  Where is Rick getting his information from?  Jon, I have never cheated on you, this is bullshit."
"How many times did you see Richie when you were out here alone?  How many, Beth?"
"Once Jon, the day he kissed me.  Just recently.  I had never been to Richie's before then and he has never been to my house.  Is he telling you different?"
Jon can see that Beth is struggling to remember and keep her time line straight, not to get her thoughts straight, but when was Richie in LA when Jon wasn't.  They were always together, working on a project together.  In his heart of hearts, Jon  knows that what Beth is telling is the truth, but the cautious and gun shy Jon was always careful.  He trusted Rick, Rick has never let Jon down.  "Richie has never been to your house?"

"NEVER. Denise has been there, but never Richie and I swear, I have only been to his house once!"
"How was Rick able to get intimate details of your time with Richie?"
"JON, there was no time with Richie.  Call this asshole and get him over here.  I want to see what he has to say, see his evidence.  CALL HIM!" she hands him his cell phone.
"Beth, I just left there.  I don't need to call him."
"You need to call him right now Jon.  If you don't, I will walk out that door and never come back." Beth is huffing and puffing, and her heart breaks because she can't believe that he would even entertain the idea that she had an affair with Richie, and possibly produced twins?
"Would you be running from the truth?"
"Fuck you.  Jon, you know there is no truth to that, why are you doing this?  Tell me when I had time to fuck Richie, please.  Tell me when I wasn't working, injured in bed or flying across country to be with you?" she's exhales hard, feeling her face starting to tingle.  She tells herself, breathe, inhale, exhale.  "When Jon?"
"Rick had a picture of you being carried by a man that looked like Richie.  Sunglasses and hat, so it was hard to tell but it was the Richie posture and hair.  He was carrying you into his house, you had your purple cast on."
"So, I fucked him because he carried ME into his house?" Beth asks, shaking her foot because she just gets more and more pissed off.  "What other pictures did you see?"
The two of you walking on the beach, there was one of you sitting in the car while he went in to get a pizza."
"And you seen my face?  You seen his face?"
"I didn't need to see your face, I know it was you.  I can't believe you did all of this when you had your cast on."
"Tell me Jon, what eles did this investigator tell you?  Where else was I spotted with Richie?" she asks with a very condesending tone, knowing in just a few minutes - she will be cleaning this mess up to, and then she'll question whether Jon trusts her or not and how this will affect their relationship.
"You and Richie spent alot of time together, right after I left you in LA.  He said it went on for days."
"And he got pictures while I was at Richie's?"
"No, none were at Richie's house.  All in Richie's neighborhood."
"Are you fucking kidding me right now?  Is this some big joke?  Is Ashton going to jump out and PUNK me?" she laughs her nervous laughs and has to keep going.  "You seen pictures of what looks like me and what could be Richie and assumed that we had sex.  You had the balls to ask me if the twins were his?"  she's in his face now, she's pissed and he is going to see the little Italian that she has in her.  "For your fucking information Jon, the purple cast that you seen in all those pictures was not me.  If you paid attention to the little details about me, you would remember how bad I was when I finally made it home.  Sex with you was non existent, and you think I had it with Richie?  You're crazy.  But the biggest clue that you could have picked up on, if you paid attention, would have been my cast was HOT PINK!  Not even close to purple." she leaves his office and is walking down the hallway towards the family room.  She is beyond pissed and has never been this hurt by this man that claims to love her to the end of time.
From behind her, she hears "Will you please come back in here.  Can we finish this discussion?"  She turns on her heels and goes back into his office.  Standing in the doorway she says, "This discussion is over.  Get Rick on the phone and have him here within the hour.  I'm calling the shots on this one.  You disgraced my babies and have proven that you don't trust me.  You have one hour."
She again leaves the office and goes to sit with the kids.  They were the argue free zone and that's right where she needed to be.  She wasn't going to say anymore to Jon regarding this whole mess.  She thinks to herself, "Will it ever fucking end?" Looking at her watch, it's 1:30.  At 2:30 she was leaving.


  1. Whoa! Insert foot! It looks like someone set Beth up but good! And I bet I know who did it!

  2. I have a pretty good idea who is behind Beth being set up, and if I am right not only is Jon going to owe Beth an apology, but Richie as well.
