Monday, October 21, 2013

Water Ch. 212 - I Wish I'd Seen Ya Blow Those Candles Out

Bags are packed and at the door waiting for the car to come take Jon to the airport.  His morning was filled with goodbyes with the kids and last minute tour details.  He was running on empty, but running none the less.  They both know what's coming and neither wanted to address it.  
Beth is in his office with him, sitting on the corner of his desk sipping her tea while he picks away at computer keys.  She loves watching him type, he's a hunt and peck kind of guy.  "Remember when I popped your keys off and switched them around?" She laughs recalling the incident, because it was funny.
When she pulled that prank on Jon, he was so pissed.  His typing isn't great and when he presses a key and expects a certain letter to pop up on the screen and it doesn't, he can only backspace so many times before he's ready to throw the computer across the room.  She watched him for about 10 minutes, laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes, before she stopped him. 

"Yeah, that was classic." he mumbles to her, looking up at her out of the corner of his eye.

"Come on babe, that was funny." she takes another sip.  "What are you doing anyway?"  She leans over to try to see what was on the screen, unable to see because of her angle.

"Just approving some pictures to be released."

"From David?" she asks, knowing that they just hired a photographer to tour with them and take official photos.  Jon nods his head yes and she follows that up with, "Can I see?"

Jon turns the computer so she can see, while pushing his chair back.  He pats his leg and tells her "Come here, sit."

She takes a seat on his lap and the two of them sit there and look at through the pictures that David had emailed Jon.  "I like that one."  Beth points to the screen.  It's a shot of Jon and Richie fist bumping on stage.  They both had big smiles on their faces and Beth could see that they were having fun.  "That one is really good."
Jon's hands are all over her, gently touching her.  Up, behind her hair on the back of her neck, down the side of her face.  Rubbing her, hoping that she's okay with the separation that they both are about to endure.  He just wants to touch her, to help remember how she feels while he is gone.  He takes several deep breaths taking in her smell, attaching it to the touch memory.  He knows he's going to miss her immensely and he's convinced himself that she will be too busy to miss him. 

The tour started two weeks ago, with a some dates on the coast.  Jon was able to fly back and forth between home and shows, but now they're headed to Washington.  The tour schedule grueling and lengthy, but it was Jon's way of life.  He knows to go out strong and stay out long.  Beth isn't happy with the idea of the long tour,  she has no idea what it would really be like. 
"The car will be here soon." Jon reminds her, although there was no need for a reminder.  She looks at him over her shoulder and he read what her face was saying.  He gives her a little laugh and says, "I'm just saying."
"I can see the time here on the screen, smart ass."  she wiggles herself between his legs.  She leans back on him and takes his hands, wrapping herself in his arms.  "I don't want you to go."
"I know."  He squeezes her tight and kisses her cheek.  "The days will fly by."
Now she laughs at him, "You really believe that?"
"For you they will.  You will be so busy with the kids, you won't even miss me."
"Bullshit." she starts to rub his leg, "I miss you and you're not even gone."
"I know the feeling." he tells her, wanting to ease her tension about it, but he doesn't realize that he's only going to make it worse.  "The first few days are the worst, for me."
"They're all going to be bad." Beth exhales loudly.  "I feel like I did the day we buried the girls,  it's like this impending feeling of doom.  I don't like it."
"I'll be back in a few weeks.  We've done a few weeks before, babe, you'll be fine."
Beth can't shake the feeling, she doesn't know why.  "What's a few?  My planner is in the kitchen."  she leans forward and grabs the desk calendar that the kids made him for Father's Day.  "A few weeks from today would be just before Christmas."
Now she's confused.  "Are we doing St. Bart's for the holiday?"
"Yes.  We are leaving here the day after Christmas.  Do you ever look at the schedule that Dawn gives you?" he's now teasing her.
She smiles at him, "Sometimes.  I function better with my own.  Don't pick on me, I'm pouting."
"Well, does the day after Christmas fit into your schedule?"
"Of course. Should I go look at my schedule?  Is there something between now and then?  Where will you guys be?"
"Between now and then we'll be on the west coast.  Bouncing up and down.  Why?"
She hates to admit it, but she has to, "I have no idea what you're going off to do. I didn't want to know, cause then I had to deal with it.  Is that bad?"
He runs his hands up her arms, vigorously and
states, "Well, it's bad if you have no idea where I'll be."
"I don't want you to be anywhere but here." she stands up and looks back at him, "I don't like your job." She goes to the window and looks out at the river.  Winter was setting in, in New Jersey. 
"Hey, what's going on?" he stands up and walks over to her.
"I don't like this Jon.  I don't like the thought of you going on the road and leaving us behind."
She holds up her hand, to stop him before he continues with the ass chewing she knew was coming.  "I know this is your job, I know you have to go, I know we all will be miserable to some extent but I don't have to like it."
"Where is this coming from and why is it all coming out now?" he asks her, she can see he's getting upset, his forehead is wrinkled.
Beth's daydreaming out the window, her eyes following a leaf that is blowing across the yard.  Real robot like, she just says, "I thought I'd be able to handle it."
Firmly, he puts his hands on her shoulders and turns her to face him.  "You need to tell me what's going on, before I have to leave.  We can't deal with it, if you don't clue me in."
"I'm just going to miss you."  she walks into him and puts her head on his chest.  His arms go around her and for a brief second, they connect.   The moment of silence shattered by the buzzer of the gate.  Jon's car has arrived.
His lips pepper her head and face, "I'm going to miss you too, but really, what's going on?  I can see that something is bothering you."
She takes his hand and starts to lead him down the hallway to the foyer, to greet his driver. "It's nothing.  Are you sure you have everything?"
"Damn it, tell me what's going on."
"You want to know, Jon?  Are you sure?" she spits at him, pissed right off that he was leaving, today of all days.
"YES!" he blurts back.
Calmly, she tells him with a tear in her eye, "Today is my birthday.  Was that on the schedule that Dawn makes for us?" 
He doesn't know what to say, or even worse - he has no idea what to do.  He has a plane to catch.


  1. Beth, you need to realize Jon is a very busy man and touring is his way of life. The time apart is going to be hard on the both of you so try and not make him feel worse than he already does for leaving you and his kids.
    As for it being your birthday. That truly sucks that he has to leave for the tour and not get to spend your day together. Maybe someone should have given Dawn a heads up.

  2. I an wondering if she ever told him the dfate of her birthday but even if she did I wpuldn't expect him to remember it with everything else he has going on.
    Maybe she should go back to work? It would give her something to do.
    Question - I am assuming it is around 2010 correct? I wasn't sure but with the mention of the photographer being hired that sounded right to me. I am also wondering when she is going to become pregnant again as I seem to remember in the very brginning they had lost a baby girl with a different name.

  3. She's going back to work, she needs the break. LOL This is late 2005/2006. David is coming on board now, cause I need him on board.. My time line doesn't necessarily match what really happened. I just add what I need when I need it, that's what makes FF so much fun. I like making it up as I go along...thank you for reading and your support :-)

  4. thanks for explaining. I love that about FF too!
