Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Water Ch. 34 - If That's What It Takes 2005


Monday morning came too early for Jon, he slept like crap. Constant tossing and turning and endless dreams about Beth. The dreams were good dreams but he always woke up before he got to the good parts. He would lay there and think about the dream he just had hoping he would drift off and pick up where he left off. That didn't happen. He wanted to be next to Beth.

He turned the alarm off before it had the chance to go off. Sitting up in bed, he looks at the clock and mentally does the math. It's only 5:00 am in L.A., she's probably still sleeping, he thinks to himself. He would love to hear her voice. She's so bubbly and so happy in the morning and he could use a pick me up. Pushing the blankets off he moved to the edge of the bed and sits there for a minute.

Wondering what's gone on in the world while he was gone, he turns on Channel 4 New York news. The weather is going to be good, a few drug busts and Jon Bon Jovi stepping out on his wife, again. He thinks Jesus Christ and turns the TV off. His phone rings. Picking it up, it says The Wife, so he answers it.

"Hi." Knowing this isn't a social call.

"Did you see the news last night or today?" She asks her husband.

"Are you talking about the weather, the drug busts or the fact that I'm stepping out on you again, Dot?" He's irritated, running his fingers through his hair and trying to wipe the sleep from his eyes. He didn't want to do this now or last night when she called a dozen times.

"Jon, we need to address this! Our families and our children have seen the news. What do I tell my friends?" She borderline hysterical now. She is so embarrassed.

"Tell your friends what you want, and when I come get the kids we'll tell them. My mom already knows, so I assume my dad knows now, too." He tells her.

"When did you tell your mother?" With a heavy emphasis on the word mother? Dorothea always felt like Jon's mom didn't like her.

"I talked to my mom when I got home last night." He tells her, thinking its not really important when he told her.

Getting up with Dot still in his ear, he heads to the kitchen to make coffee. There wasn't staff at the house when no one was there, and this visit to the SoHo house wasn't planned. So he was on his own. In the kitchen he's making coffee listening to Dot go on and on and when she pauses, she hears Jon making noise.
"Jon, are you listening to me?"

"I heard every word you said Dorothea, I am only making coffee."

"Is she there with you? Where are you anyway? She questions with anger in her voice.

"I'm in SoHo and she is in L.A., why?" He wants to know why she cares where Beth is.

"I just didn't think that today would be a good day for the kids to meet her. Did you tell her you have a toddler?"

"She knows that I have 4 children and that Romeo is a toddler. Do you think their ages matter to her? You practically have us married, she's a woman that I'm interested in. Anyway, when will they be ready for me to come get them?" He wants to see his children, his inspiration and his peace of mind. He always felt at peace when he was with his kids.

"They are all eating breakfast now, I say come around 10:00 and I'll have them ready. Does that work?" Trying to be helpful and supportive, she says.

"That would be great, thanks. I'll see you soon." And he hangs up. Standing in the kitchen of the big SoHo pad, he suddenly feels alone. The smell and the sound of the coffee perking takes him back to the night at the Vineyard, well the morning anyway. He goes back into his bedroom takes a piss and gets the cigarettes and lighter out of his bag. No one EVER smokes in Jon's houses, NO ONE, but he's making an exception. He lights a cigarette and works his way back into the kitchen. Having poured himself a cup of coffee, he walks over to the windows and takes in the view. It's going to be a gorgeous day. It's going to be a good day. All cards are going to be on the table, life will be good, he thinks out-loud.

Finishing his coffee and cigarette he goes in and takes a shower. He's already decided he's going to call Beth once he's dressed. He's assuming she'll be up and getting ready for work by then. Or at least he hopes she's awake. He has this overwhelming feeling of needing to talk to her. Later today he is going to turn his kids' world upside down and he thinks that hearing her voice my help with some of the anxiety? He's hoping.

In the shower, washing off the woman he missed, her smell, that hit him harder than he thought something like that would. He's heard stories of people saving napkins he's used, cups that he drank out of and people paying an ungodly amount of money for his old discarded clothes - so is this infatuation? Am I infatuated with her, he asks himself.

After rinsing all the suds down the drain and a razor over his face, he gets out of the shower - reaching for his towel, he hears the phone ringing. Quickly grabbing the towel, he runs out to grab his phone. By time he had gotten to it, he had missed it. Phone showed 1 Missed Call - Beth.

"Dammit!" He says, setting the phone back down and quickly dries himself off. He wraps the towel around his waist and calls Beth back.

"Good morning sexy!" Is the first thing Jon hears and it set the smile for the day.

"Good Morning! How are you?" He asks. "Did you get any sleep?"

"I did, I slept great. It might have been the 2 glasses of wine and the hot bath I took. But yeah, I slept pretty good. And you?" she is so happy that she called. He sounded great to her.

"I tossed and turned all night long. I can't believe how long the night was." He kinda chuckles and tells her, " I kept dreaming about you and I would wake up just before the dream got good."

"That's no good. Why didn't you call me, I could have helped put you to sleep." she says with a school girl voice.

"Trust me, I thought about it 100 times but I didn't want to wake you if you were sleeping. So, I didn't." He looks at the phone and again does that math, "Are you always up this early? It's only 6:00 there."

"I'm usually up earlier, I snoozed my alarm three times. I'm thinking I was exhausted." she confesses. "Any idea why I might be exhausted, Jon?"

Laughing he says, "Yeah, I have a good idea. I'm not going to apologize though. If you called for an apology, you ain't gonna get it!" They both were laughing and Jon tells her he's pretty exhausted too!

"Have you talked to your children since you've been home? Are they excited to see you?" she wonders, hoping he doesn't think she's being nosey.

"I haven't talked to the kids, but Dorothea called me this morning. Right after I seen the NY news. The top story today is Jon Bon Jovi steps out on wife or something like that. She called me right after that."

"Oh that's not good, first thing in the morning. I'm sorry. Anything I can do to help?" feeling concerned for his children and his wife. The media will have a field day with this.

"Dorothea and I are going to tell this kids when I pick them up. They need to hear it from us before they hear shit from their friends and others from school. It won't be fun, but it needs to be done. The older ones are aware, but they need details." He's struggling with getting dressed and staying on the phone. He needs two hands to get dressed, but he can't say goodbye.

"I hear you're busy. Why don't you call me later if you want." Beth can tell he's doing something, she's not sure what, but sometimes he sounds like he's far away and then she can hear him normally. She figured he was trying to get dressed.

"Sorry, I was trying to put my jeans on. One leg at a time proves to be harder with one hand. I'm good." walking over to his dresser to get out some socks.

"Are you sure, we can talk later. Get ready, go see your children." Beth wants to be with him so badly, it almost hurts. She's wanting him to get everything settled for himself. She can't imagine how he feels.

"Ok, you're probably right. I need to stop at the record company before I head to New Jersey, anyway. When is a good time to call you?" he wants to call when she has time and when he has time. Small talk and small time frames make it hard to really 'talk.'

"You can call anytime. You have my office number, call me. If I'm not in my office, I'm on my cell. So, whenever. If I'm in the middle of something, I'll tell ya. If that makes you uncomfortable, call me at home after 10:00 your time." she looks at her clock and things that's 16 hours from now. She didn't like that.

"I'll see what I can do. If I don't call during the course of the day, I will call you tonight, okay?" he doesn't want to go all day without talking to her either, but he's happy he's talking to her now.

He was wondering when they would talk again, when they went their separate ways in Las Vegas.

"Have a great day!" she tells him with 100% sincerity. She knows he's going to have a tough day. "I'm a phone call away if you need me."

"Enjoy your day, too. Monday's are tough days for the market" laughing, he finishes with "I'm a phone call away, call me if you need me."

"Goodbye Jon."

"I know you know I wrote a song that's called Never Say Goodbye."

"I've heard it a time or two. What's your point?"

"We don't say goodbye, we say until next time."

"Ok, well then, till next time."

"Till next time."

They both hang up and start on their day.


1 comment:

  1. In my family when we are done talking on the phone we say"Talk to you later" instead of goodbye.
